Sunday, January 8, 2012

Synthesis of Thomas Friedman

All in all, Thomas Friedman looks at the Arab spring in Egypt with an open mind. His defining statement on Egypt is that there must be "ideological adjustments" before a stable and peaceful government can come to power. By weighing the pros and cons of the political parties and their beliefs, as well as the citizens and their votes, Friedman sees a long road ahead of Egypt and the Arab countries before true peace can be obtained. Not only does he use fact based analysis in order to support his cause, but he has successfully predicted the stalling of the Egyptian elections as well. As a result, he believes that before peace is obtained, there must be reform in the government and citizens mind sets.

1 comment:

  1. Sai--
    Thorough job in looking at Friedman's views, especially on the Arab Spring. Next step--closer analysis of his actual rhetoric--in addition, perhaps, to his fact-based work?

    Mr. Heller
